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Christopher Colby – Apprentice Carton Maker, Kingston Carton

July 2, 2021

Christopher Colby – Apprentice Carton Maker, Kingston Carton

What attracted you to print?
I came to work in the printing industry because I enjoyed the prospect of entering a major industry of which I had skills that I would be able to transfer over to help in this job role.

What has been your greatest challenge?
My greatest challenge has been adapting to the workplace, as I have a lot more individual responsibility than I’ve had before.

What is it you most enjoy about your job?
What I enjoy most is the constant improvement that I strive for in all aspects of my job, as it allows me to continuously improve myself within my job role.

What do you think the benefits of an apprenticeship are over alternative routes?
An apprenticeship allows you to gain a greater understanding of the industry that you are entering into, and allows them an opportunity that may not be present to them if they were entering directly into the job.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
In 10 years’ time I would see myself still working within the print industry still looking for improvements that I can make within my general work to help both myself progress within work and help the company by performing to the best of my ability.

Would you recommend a print apprenticeship to others?
I would recommend a print apprenticeship to others as it allows anyone that is willing to enter the print industry a realistic experience of the tasks at hand and the problems that can be encountered on the job. It also allows the apprentice to gain a skills that are specific to the printing industry.


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