Lourdita Dos Remedios – Level 3 Trade Apprentice of the Year
Congratulations to Lourdita for winning the Level 3 Trade Apprentice of the Year Award. Here’s what Lourdita’s training coordinator John Campey had to say..
“Lourdita produced an amazing portfolio that was very informative and included video recordings of the artwork/design being built to authenticate its origins.
She originally started using a paper-based portfolio but then grasped the opportunity to use an E-Portfolio mid-way through the course.
Lourdita worked from home throughout the pandemic but still manged to develop artwork and progress via remote reviews.
During this time, she demonstrated positivity and determination to succeed both for her course and at work.
She continually provided detailed artwork and high-quality evidence using technology to showcase her skills, demonstrating artwork building to a high level.
During her course she has been highly engaged and has even written 5 articles for BPIF’s monthly topics.
She even completed additional units above and beyond what was required to achieve her qualification.
At work, she has demonstrated a wide range of skills and behaviours which has benefited her employer including improved communication and relationships between print sites.”
Of Lourdita’s work John also says..
“Loudita demonstrates the best in-depth artwork narratives that I have witnessed and had the pleasure to assess during 16 years of service.”